Find Us Faithful 12: Do Not Lose Heart

Part Three: Encouragements to Embrace  

CHAPTER 12 Do Not Lose Heart 

Over the last twenty years or so, I have met many people in ministry who are discouraged. On numerous occasions people have come to one of our seminars or training events really needing to be encouraged and strengthened to persevere through hard times.

I remember specifically one couple sharing their pain. The wife shared verbally, while the husband just shook with emotion, speechless. The pain in ministry is real and it goes deep. And when you add the day-to-day pressures and problems of leadership, you have a recipe for discouragement, unless the leader or minister can really get a grip.

A classic passage of Scripture for such times is 2 Corinthians 4. I certainly have not been immune to discouragement myself, and that is a personal reason why these words of Paul have been of special help to me. In this amazing section of Scripture, Paul uses the phrase “we do not lose heart” twice (4:1, 16). How did Paul come to this personal conclusion and the resulting lifestyle? It is worth pursuing an answer to this question, for Paul seemed to have a lifestyle of not losing heart. He could praise God, who always led him in triumph in Christ (2:14) as he ministered. In many of his other letters, you sense his....



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