Stay refreshed my friend, in the Lord


Our next Biblical Preaching Institute will take place Wednesday evening, September 4 through Saturday lunchtime, September 7. We are focusing on Evangelistic Expository Preaching. (Please note the change in our starting day.) This Institute views evangelistic preaching within the context of fulfilling the Great Commission and the call to ‘make disciples.’

This Institute features a powerful series of message/lectures by my late father, Dr. Stephen Olford. Other helpful sessions are provided by Dr. Ted Rendall along with my own contributions.

You can register online, or by calling our office at 901-644-4146. Registration online begins on July 1 and ends on August 15. For more information, contact our office on July 1 or later, at [email protected].

The Gospel needs to be preached boldly and fully in our day to non-believers and believers as well.


David O


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