Chapter One - The True Grace of God

True Identity – Ultimate Destiny – Present Reality

The Lord God, through the Apostle Peter, is addressing His people. The Apostle with his amanuensis is writing these truths for tough times. As he begins this epistle, he addresses his readers specifically as “elect exiles” (1:1). These people were God’s chosen people scattered in different countries, living in (as it were) “foreign” lands. Their exile though was not simply geographical, it was an exilic experience - Christians living in a non-Christian world. Life was hard, and circumstances were difficult for these believers. 1 Peter presents solid truths, basic priorities, and “best” practices for these Christians facing such challenges.

As Peter concludes the epistle (letter), we read these words,

“By Silvanus, a faithful brother as I regard him, I have written briefly to you, exhorting and declaring that this is the true grace of God. Stand firm in it.”

These closing words are as good a summary of the thrust of this epistle as any. The Apostle is bearing witness to truth, specific truth. He is exhorting his readers in the light of the truth about God’s grace, and the “God of all grace” (5:10). The goal of the epistle is to help these Christians stand firm in the grace of God. Given their challenging context of hostility and persecution these words were sorely needed.


To continue, click this link to read my first draft.    

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Reminder to my readers:

This is a consultation draft specifically for my subscribers. I am sharing with you chapter excerpts of a book I am preparing on 1 Peter. This first chapter exerpt has not been “finalized” and some references may be missing. But, the content seeks to be true to the teaching of 1 Peter and to clarify the relevance of this dynamic epistle for today. 

Your comments will be helpful as we finalize this draft of this chapter. 

Tap this link to email me your feedback.

Thank you,

—David Olford



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